We've published a blog post with directions "How to Clean Your Fireplace" before, but just received this great customer video showing how to clean your fireplace screen that has soot and creosote build up using Quick n Brite and thought we'd touch on the topic again. With fall and winter bringing colder temperatures many people are preparing to use their fireplaces and getting them clean before the season is great to prevent any dangers.
Materials Needed:
- Quick n Brite Paste (About 3-5 ounces)
- Stiff Nylon Brush or Sponge
- 1 gallon bucket or bowl of HOT water
- Dust Pan and brush/Shop Vac or Household Vacuum with hand held attachment
- Spray Bottle to mix Quick n Brite heavy solution cleaner in, and/or for water to rinse fireplace bricks
- Towels to cover surrounding fireplace area to avoid drips of soot
- Rubber Gloves (optional) *Quick n Brite is non-toxic and safe and will not harm your skin*
First, begin by removing as much ash and soot as possible using a dust pan and brush or vacuum. PLEASE make sure that there are no ashes or hot embers in the fireplace before beginning this project. Discard of ashes in a yard waste bin.
Next, using a damp terry cloth towel wipe the fireplace brick and glass clean to remove as much loose soot as possible. This will make the next steps much easier and less of a mess. If the soot and creosote build-up on your fireplace is bad, use your spray bottle of Quick n Brite heavy solution to spray down the entire fireplace enclosure. While the product is sitting, the unique formulation of Quick n Brite is actually breaking down the build-up on your fireplace and doing the scrubbing for you.
Then, get your sponge or brush wet using the hot water and then apply Quick n Brite full strength to the fireplace brick, stone and glass in small 5 to 6 inch circular motions. It is easiest to section the fireplace off into grids and focus on cleaning one section of the fireplace first instead of trying to clean the entire area. It will result in a lot less scrubbing! For stubborn areas, let the product sit about 10 minutes instead of using elbow grease. Quick n Brite will break down soot and creosote while it is sitting on your fireplace surface. Use your bucket of hot water to rinse the brush out during the process.
After letting the product sit for 10 minutes, use a damp terry cloth towel to wipe away the soot and Quick n Brite. Once the majority of the fireplace surface is clean, use a spray bottle of hot water to rinse off the fireplace surface, glass and stone as the last step.
Quick n Brite is non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for you and your family. There are no toxic chemicals or fumes.
After letting the product sit for 10 minutes, use a damp terry cloth towel to wipe away the soot and Quick n Brite. Once the majority of the fireplace surface is clean, use a spray bottle of hot water to rinse off the fireplace surface, glass and stone as the last step.
Quick n Brite is non-toxic, biodegradable and safe for you and your family. There are no toxic chemicals or fumes.
To Clean your Fireplace, we recommend:
OR you can order a 12 oz or 30 oz paste by calling: 1-800-223-9187