Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Clean a Fish Tank using Quick n Brite

Cleaning a fish tank is an easy process if you have the right products and you know what to do. If you maintain your fish tank cleaning on a regular basis the process is much easier and is less upsetting to the fishes habitat; but if you need to do a deep clean or are starting fresh with a new fish tank Quick n Brite makes cleaning your fish tank much easier!

New Fish Tanks, Decorations and Plants:

Sometimes when you purchase a new fish tank it needs to be rinsed out with more than just warm water. Use the Quick n Brite light solution (1 tsp to a quart of water) to give the new fish tank a good cleaning. Quick n Brite is non-toxic and biodegradable so it is safe for your new fish!

Large Fish Tanks:

For regular maintenance to your fish tank: 

Start by cleaning the inside of the glass using an algae pad. (Don't use a regular sponge from the store, there can be too many harsh chemicals or detergents in the scrubber). If you come across a stubborn patch you can use a razor blade to scrape off the excess algae. (Be careful!) You can also clean your blade ahead of time with Quick n Brite to remove any grease or residue. If your tank is acrylic make sure and use a plastic blade.

Remove the plants, decorations etc:

After speaking with fish tank experts many professionals recommend a deep cleaning of rocks or decorations on a cycle so you don't remove too much good bacteria from the tank. (Example: Clean half the plants on week one and the other half of your plants on week three). This is where Quick n Brite is especially good to clean the plants and decorations as well as remove harmful bacteria. Soak your plants or decorations in the Quick n Brite light solution (1/8 cup of Quick n Brite to 1 gallon of hot water or 1 teaspoon of Quick n Brite per quart) for 15 minutes. If there is a large build up of algae you can also use your algae pad to help remove build up. After all the algae is removed using Quick n Brite and your algae pad rinse the plants and decorations in warm water.

Siphon the rocks or gravel using a water siphon vacuum:

There are many different types of siphons available on the market to clean rocks and vacuum away debris. We would recommend contacting your local pet store for pros and cons on siphons.

Clean the outside glass: 

After a thorough cleaning of your fish tank, chances are you've dripped some water down the tanks and throughout your house! Use your Quick n Brite light solution (1 teaspoon of Quick n Brite per quart) to clean the outside of the tank, counters and kitchen sink. If you have any trouble with streaking on the outside of the fish tank, just add more water to your Quick n Brite solution!)

Small Fish Tanks: 

Many of the above directions still apply but if you don't have a siphon to vacuum the rocks and they need to be cleaned you can rinse the rocks in the Quick n Brite light solution (1 tsp to a quart of water or 1/8 cup of Quick n Brite to 1 gallon of hot water). Simply soak the rocks in the light solution for 15 minutes then rinse them clean before returning them to the tank.

Product we recommend:

Our 64 oz Quick n Brite Liquid Concentrate is perfect for the job. Quick n Brite is non-toxic and biodegradable so it is safe for your pets and yourself. Since Quick n Brite is an all purpose cleaner it is also great to clean your pet cages or pet stains on carpets! See more Cleaning Tips using Quick n Brite.

64 oz. Liquid - Click Image to Close


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